
Shaping Pedagogy through Blogging

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

I think I'm a better writing teacher now than when I previously taught it in my classroom. I was bound within 4 walls and had been taught to work at getting a good final product. I was not a writer myself. That's the most important part I was missing. Blogging myself shows my students that I value writing and I realize the hard work it requires. I also have learned how the larger community can be a powerful motivator. I want my students to know that feeling. The other missing piece in my writing classroom was a truly authentic audience for my students. I have found that blogs help us move away from thinking of writing as a 5 paragraph essay or a set of steps to move students through. Blogs give us an avenue to teach writing (blogging) as a cluster of complex thinking and writing behaviors that provide ownership to the student and the possibility of getting a multitude of responses from others. We have to orchestrate that. Yes, it takes time but we can truly model this process through our own blogs and provide the type of environment to support young writers and give them the challenges necessary to foster writing development. What a joy!

Let's discuss!


Blogs and Pedagogy from EduBlog Insights



Additional Resources


Have some blooming fun from EduBlog Insights


Pedagogical Underpinnings of Blogs in the Classroom from bgblogging


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P2P EFL/ESL Pedagogy and Technology

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