

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

Many credits are due for this workshop. It has been made possible through the networking of countless edubloggers who are really making a difference with the students in their classrooms. I learn daily from them.

A special thank-you goes to Lani Ritter Hall. She has proofed my work on this presentation, offered wonderful suggestions, and continues to make a significant impact on my thinking. Everyone should have such a friend. Check out her excellent workshop presentation,Blogging Ballet. And to think we met on blogs through the commenting feature!

Another special thank you is due Darren Kuropatwa. I was able to master a lot of coding for this wiki by peeking at his excellent work on Whiplash. Darren teaches math but his sites are applicable to what you will want to accomplish. He has made blogging an integral part of his classroom. He makes a difference daily. Be sure to spend time on his site,A Difference.

My thank-you to Will Richardson of Weblogg-Ed goes without saying. Our first collaboration back in 2003 between his journalism students and my fifth graders was the guiding point that let me see the possibilities that blogs could provide in educating our students. They are limitless.

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